Random Quotes
Posted by Fred | Posted in Anime , Manga | Posted on 11:06
Source: One Piece - Skypiea Arc *Can't remember which episode and chapter for anime and manga.*
Tony Tony Chopper : Zoro, you said you're going to the island, but what are you gonna do when you get there?
Roronoa Zoro : God's on this island, right? I'm gonna go meet him.
Nami : Why would you want to meet someone with such horrible power?
Roronoa Zoro : Who knows? I guess that depends on his attitude.
Tony Tony Chopper : Zoro... is more arrogant than God!
Nami : There are priests on this island, and everyone knows you're not suppose to anger God! That's just common sense!
Roronoa Zoro : Sorry, but I've never actually prayed to God.
Tony Tony Chopper : Zoro is so cool!
Roronoa Zoro : Why should I pray to someone I don't believe in?
Nami : [praying] Oh, Lord God, I don't know this man! Please don't punish me with him!
Tony Tony Chopper : You're so cool, Zoro!

God Eneru (sitting) and his priests.
- During adventure on sky island, Eneru is the ruler of sky island and also the main villian. He posses the power of Goro Goro no Mi that enables transform into electricity at his will as well as control it.
- That dialog appears when Zoro wanna pay a visit to the "holy land" where Eneru and his priests make their home and run their respective Ordeals(sacred tests) there.
- It was damn funny especially when Chopper starts amire Zoro's coolness and arrogants with his cute naive face, like the image shown below:

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